Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Lent with J.S. Bach

Today is Ash Wednesday and this year, we are trying to do a more intentional Lenten observance in our homeschool. A few years ago, I came across this 40 day musical and Scriptural Lenten devotional that uses Bach's St. Matthew's Passion but I put it on the back burner, waiting for a good season to attempt a listen. I (embarrassingly enough) have never listened to this oratorio and because it is sung in German, know it will be a good stretch for our naturally impatient ears. However, I thought it would be a good discipline for the three of us to do each afternoon when the younger kids are napping/quiet-timing.

The kind woman who created this document also included Scripture passages to be read before listening to short segments of the Passion. She has also given us the English translation so we can read along while they are singing in German.

Here is a helpful introduction if you would like to get a basic understanding of the St. Matthew Passion. It is considered one of the pillars in the history of Western music.

This is the group that we are listening to and is recommended in the devotional.

Let me know if you are inspired to listen along!

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