Thursday, October 31, 2019

Embroidery {Handicrafts}

This term we are working on embroidery for our handicrafts! I love hand embroidery and was excited to introduce it. I thought I would share what resources we have been using in case others are interested in trying it out!

I started the girls off with the same pattern- a heart embroidery sampler. This was great practice for learning different stitches. You can find it here. They turned out so sweet


Monday, October 7, 2019

Charlotte Mason {in Church}

architecture art cathedral chapel

I thought I should update regularly on how the children at our church are responding to a Charlotte Mason Sunday School, in case it might help someone else who is looking to start a new approach or are just curious if it is possible in a church setting.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Six Weeks In

We've just closed up 6 weeks of Term 1 for the year! It has gone fast and been very good to get into a routine again, to sharpen our brains and to learn so many great things.

Some highlights around here:

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First official nature walk of the year

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Sunday Reading Recommendation

We know Charlotte recommended a disciplined, focused Sunday day of "rest" (which kind of sounds like an oxymoron) but I think she was spot on with this.
"Having made the principle of Sunday- keeping plain, make the practice pleasant. Let it be a joyous day- everybody in his best temper and gentlest manners. Put anxious cares aside on Sunday, for the children's sake; and if there be no "vain deluding mirth," let there be gaiety of heart and talk.