Thursday, August 22, 2019

First Week Almost Done!

Well, we may be limping to the finish line... but we are almost done with our first week of the school year! We're limping because of a stomach bug that made its way through our house, but thankfully, none of the school girls caught it...

Kailyn: 8th, Louisa: 6th, Julia and Judah really wanted to show off their fingers and Aleah might consider participating next year...

Monday, August 5, 2019

Circle Time Plans 2019

IMG_20180920_155159087Circle Time is where we gather around and enjoy school together! This is probably one of my favorite times because it includes all the riches and extras that make homeschool unique and special. We essentially have two Circle Times here because it makes sense to utilize naptime for things that require more concentration and quiet-- if you know what I mean.