Morning Circle Time (8:45am) little ones are included on this:
Prayer Requests & Prayer
Review past Bible memory work
Begin memorizing Psalm 51
Artist Study: Michelangelo (Mondays)
Spanish (Mon/Wed/Fri)
Hymn & Folk Song Singing (Tue/Thu)
Exercise video (Tue/Thu)
We are done with Morning Circle Time around 9:30am and then kids split up to either go outside or do quiet reading with me.
Afternoon Circle Time 12:45pm (little ones are sleeping/resting):
OT & NT Bible Reading (alternate days Mon-Thu)
Theology book on Fridays
Copywork (Tue-Fri)
Poetry: one poem a day from Robert Frost (Mon-Fri)
Composer study: Sergei Rachmaninoff (Mon)
Drawing Exercises (Tue)
Nature Journal (Wed)
Plutarch: Life of Demetrius (Thu)
Watercolor Narrations (Fri)
Dictation (Mon)
Shakespeare: Twelfth Night (Tue/Thu)
Commonplace Entries (Wed)
Winston Grammar (Fri)
Handicrafts: Embroidery (Mon)
Book of Centuries entry (Tue)
History Notebook work (Thu)
Science Labs for Kailyn (Fri)
These plans will change just slightly from term to term as we will study new composers, artists, poets, Shakespeare plays, Plutarch lives or adjust for the family's sake but most likely it will be very similar all year long!
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