Monday, June 1, 2020

Charlotte Mason {in Church} Quarantine Edition

The great thing about Charlotte Mason is that short lessons work well for posting on YouTube! ;) Seriously, though, it has worked well to do video lessons and has been a blessing to many. It's not my favorite thing in the world to see myself in a video every week, but it works to keep the kids learning!

We manage to do ALL the things we normally do over a video... We still pray, read a Bible story, look at a picture, review our verses, sing our hymn and even do nature study with whatever the kids have on hand at home for drawing or painting!

For those of you who would like to know details on the Bible lessons and pictures I've used, here are the more recent ones (the older posts have details from all the weeks prior):

Matthew 16:13-28  St. Peter by Jusepe Ribera

Genesis 21:1-21  Abraham Dismissing Hagar and Ishmael by Fabritius

Matthew 17:1-13 The Transfiguration by Duccio

Genesis 22:1-18  Abraham Sacrificing Isaac by de la Hyre

Matthew 18:1-20  The Good Shepherd stained glass in St. John's Church

Genesis 25:19-34  Esau Selling His Birthright by Terbrugghen

Matthew 19:13-26  Christ and the Young Ruler by Hoffman (YouTube lesson)

Genesis 27:1-33, 41-44  Isaac Blessing Jacob by Horst (YouTube lesson)

Matthew 21:1-17  Entry of Christ into Jerusalem by Lorenzetti  (Palm Sunday) (YouTube lesson)

John 20:1-23  Noli Me Tangere by Giotto (Easter Sunday) (YouTube lesson)

Genesis 28:10-22  Jacob's Dream by Domenico Feti (YouTube Lesson)

Matthew 25:31-46  Christ the Judge by Fra Angelico (YouTube Lesson)

Genesis 29  Jacob Encountering Rachel by Von Fuhrich (YouTube lesson)

Matthew 26:1-13  Mary Anoints Jesus by Rahib (YouTube lesson)

Genesis 32:1-32  Jacob Wrestling with the Angel by Rembrandt (YouTube lesson)

Matthew 26:14-35  The Last Supper by Leonardo da Vinci (YouTube lesson)

Genesis 33  The Meeting of Jacob and Esau by Francesco Hayez (YouTube lesson)

I hope this is helpful to those of you who are looking for ideas in your children's church or Sunday school! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.

If you want to know more about what we are doing in Children's Church, feel free to read the previous posts in this series. You can read the entire series here.  


  1. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and work with us. 💕 I have used Ambleside for years and am thinking about shifting our Sunday School to a more CM approach. I love the reverence in everything you shared! Plus, reading your posts about what you have done makes it feel possible to make it happen and share the vision with others.

    1. Thank you, Helen! My hope in posting was simply to be an encouragement to others and to give ideas in case you need them. I hope you are able to cast a vision for your teachers and leaders!! Please let me know if you have questions or I can help in some way.
