Thursday, October 31, 2019

Embroidery {Handicrafts}

This term we are working on embroidery for our handicrafts! I love hand embroidery and was excited to introduce it. I thought I would share what resources we have been using in case others are interested in trying it out!

I started the girls off with the same pattern- a heart embroidery sampler. This was great practice for learning different stitches. You can find it here. They turned out so sweet


From there, they felt confident to try other patterns - we just searched Pinterest for free embroidery patterns. Some really cute ones can be found here. Etsy also has some great options, but they aren't free!

Louisa actually wasn't satisfied with the options, so she drew her own pattern and created her very own stitch guide. It turned out so sweet.

The blue pattern lines have not been washed off yet here but will come off instantly with water. Also, I don't know why the pic turned out a little wonky in the middle, but it doesn't look like that in real life!

Here's what you'll need to start embroidering:

Julia joined in this time around - I had her draw a simple picture and then transferred it to the fabric for her. We picked out colors and then I introduced a basic running stitch to her. She did such a good job for her first time!


After Julia finished her rainbow, she couldn't wait to get started on another, so we found a baby Jesus pattern that she is working on for a Christmas gift. She is so proud of herself. I taught her the back stitch for this one and she caught on very quickly.


And, of course, I am working on a piece as well... this is going to be made into a pillow for Julia's bed for Christmas.

almost finished!
This is the perfect time of year to sit and stitch away!


  1. so much skill and talent! Love your creativity, Louisa!

  2. Thanks, Lena! I'm glad your read over here too 😉
