I didn't know quite what to expect - if this exhibit was overdone or too simple- but I must say they did a great job showcasing the 3 bedroom paintings (FYI- they are the same bedroom, just different variations) and the overall exhibit was very informative. It included a timeline of his life, other artwork by artists he was inspired by (Millet was showcased which was special since we just finished learning about him!), and a lot of van Gogh's other pieces were there also. They also had a few original letters on display that van Gogh had written to his brother, Theo. The whole exhibit left me feeling sad. He lived a transient life and never knew the success his paintings would bring. One of the wall exhibits mentioned the fact that he only lived to be 37 years old and yet he lived in 37 different places- constantly moving and looking for meaning. The theme of home and sense of place- or lack thereof- was very sad to me.
Despite the sadness I experienced, the girls really enjoyed it and thoroughly critiqued his 3 bedroom paintings. :) After we spent an hour with Van Gogh, the girls really wanted to see the Throne Rooms, so that's where we spent most of the rest of our time. It was a great trip and one I hope the girls remember for a long time.
So, in honor of our field trip, this week I set the girls to painting their own Van Gogh pictures. Louisa chose to paint "Starry Night" and Kailyn chose a version of the "Vase with Sunflowers." I took a picture of them:
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