I am a visual learner and this has helped ME! and hopefully, my children, too! Feel free to steal any and all of my ideas (shown here) if it will help you too!!! :) I am winging it as we go along!

I put up a large wall map (Office Depot, Rand McNally) and had the girls put on post-it notes of the places of our composers and artists' birth.

We are reading Our Island Story for Year 2 of Ambelside and we (I) love it. But Louisa is not retaining the information like she probably should so at the beginning of last term, we created a poster for each "house" and I am having her draw 2-3 major events that occurred during that king's reign. It does seem to help though I think I need to do something else to help it cement in her memory. Any ideas?????

By the way, the pictures of the kings came from HERE. Now that I think about it, she loves to play with the extra kings... maybe I should have her make puppets and act out the stories??

We studied Bach and Tchaikovsky the past two terms and are now studying Beethoven. I created little composer cards, laminated them and hung them up for a visual.

Anyways, this is our kitchen learning wall and hopefully it will give you some ideas too!
Great idea, I love being able to see what you're working on rather than packing it up at night. Out of sight, out of mind is a painful reality for me and mine 😃. Thank you for sharing