Friday, March 11, 2016

Beethoven's penny

I had to include this picture of the girls listening to Beethoven's "Rage Over a Lost Penny" piano piece.

girls beethoven

I asked them to listen and see if Beethoven ever found his lost penny... their conclusion was yes, he did find it. This is now one of Louisa's favorite Beethoven pieces.

If you want to listen, here is a link:

Monday, March 7, 2016

Kitchen Learning Wall

So, I want to show you our kitchen learning wall... not because it's so great but because it might help some of you who are new to homeschooling (like me!!). I wish I had done this at the beginning of the school year, but I finally figured out that we needed it about halfway through. Oh well... now I know.

I am a visual learner and this has helped ME! and hopefully, my children, too! Feel free to steal any and all of my ideas (shown here) if it will help you too!!!  :) I am winging it as we go along!

kitchen learning wall 4

I put up a large wall map (Office Depot, Rand McNally) and had the girls put on post-it notes of the places of our composers and artists' birth.

kitchen learning wall 3

We are reading Our Island Story for Year 2 of Ambelside and we (I) love it. But Louisa is not retaining the information like she probably should so at the beginning of last term, we created a poster for each "house" and I am having her draw 2-3 major events that occurred during that king's reign. It does seem to help though I think I need to do something else to help it cement in her memory. Any ideas????? 

kitchen learning wall 2

By the way, the pictures of the kings came from HERE. Now that I think about it, she loves to play with the extra kings... maybe I should have her make puppets and act out the stories??

kitchen learning wall 1

We studied Bach and Tchaikovsky the past two terms and are now studying Beethoven. I created little composer cards, laminated them and hung them up for a visual.

And then our artist section- after we study our weekly painting, I hang it up for us to look at for the rest of the week and then will hang up the next one too. I was wondering if maybe I should just leave them up all term after we study them instead of hanging only one at a time.

kitchen learning wall 5

Anyways, this is our kitchen learning wall and hopefully it will give you some ideas too!