For our Bible study time, we are using the Picture Smart Bible and so far, I am very impressed with it! I found this resource when I was first considering homeschooling and was discouraged that there wasn't any time in our current days to implement this and so suggested it as a resource for our church's children's program.
I was thrilled to realize, after we decided to homeschool, that I could use this in our daily Bible time!! It is a survey of all the books of the Bible and is told through drawing and coloring. When I say drawing, I really mean tracing, as the outline of the pages are done for you. The teacher's part is very easy to follow and it makes me want to draw and color alongside them but I haven't actually printed any off for myself. The survey is done well and I feel that they have covered all major points/stories and are always pointing back to Jesus and looking ahead to how He will fulfill what was lacking in the OT Law, priests, etc.
We work on these for about 15-20 minutes a day and just finished the book of II Samuel today. The company has a version of this for younger students, but I am glad I went with the adult/older kids version. Louisa is 8 and in 2nd grade, but I feel it is quite appropriate for her and apart from the story of the Levite and his concubine(!!!) I have felt that all the stories are age appropriate. And yet, there are some stories that the girls do not remember or have not heard (e.g. Jepthah and his daughter from Judges 11) but are good for them to think about and consider.
A few things, in case someone is interested in purchasing this curriculum...
-I bought the CD with the downloads and while it is handy, I think I should have bought the instant download for easier use.
-The pages for the teacher portion are A LOT to print out. I had them spiral bound at Office Depot and put a cover and back on it.
-I bought the girls each a 3 ring binder and we just hole-punch the lessons as we get to them... I did NOT print the entire OT out at one time. Then they decorated the front how they wanted.
-Make sure you have enough paper and ink when printing this out!! :)
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