Saturday, September 5, 2015

Our average day

Thanks to the internet and other well-experienced homeschool moms, I learned that I should create an "average day chart." This is meant to keep us all on task and give us a daily schedule so we know what in the heck we are supposed to be doing next. At first it was overwhelming to try and come up with a plan since I am also trying to work around Julia's nap schedule, lunchtime and get the girls going on their daily chores instead of waiting till after lunch to start... which we know will never happen.... so this is what I came up with and what will work best for our family:

7-8:15 am Eat breakfast and get ready for the day (including chores)

8:15-9:30 am Circle Time! This involves Bible survey, Bible memory work, poetry readings, copywork/handwriting/dictation, drawing exercises, picture study (1x/week), and hymn study.

9:30-10:00 am Louisa & I do math together; Kailyn reads history books & narrates when done.

10:00-10:30 am Kailyn & I do math together; Louisa reads history books & narrates when done.

10:30 am Snacks for everyone

10:45-11:25 am Science or Geography readings for both girls and Kailyn and I also study Plutarch (this term we are reading about Marcus Cato).

11:45 am Lunch for everyone

In the afternoons (when Julia takes her second nap) we read aloud a literature book and also have a rotation as follows:

Monday: Handicrafts and Kailyn types

Tuesday: Drill and Louisa types. We also do a nature walk on Tuesdays and Kailyn studies Latin with Steve in the evenings.

Wednesday: Drill and Kailyn types. We also learn one folksong each week.

Thursdays: Handicrafts and Louisa types. Kailyn studies Latin with Steve in the evenings.

Fridays: Drill and the girls also will be going to Enrichment classes.

In case you are wondering what in the world Handicrafts are - just think of lifelong skills and creative, useful things that you can be doing with your hands. This term we are working on a quilt - the girls each picked out their own fabric and will be putting it together as well as using the sewing machine... which may or may not have been more than I should have committed to... we'll see.

"Drill" is just like exercises.

That about covers it!

K & L

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