These are my plans for Year 3:
Bible- We are finishing up the Picture Smart Bible survey that we started last year. Then, after we finish, we will read through Big Truths for Young Hearts that we will all read together during our Circle Time every Friday.
Math- Horizons Math . We used it last year and liked it just fine. Lots of repetition.
History- Ambleside Year 3
Geography- Ambleside Year 3 (We chose the Komroff book for our main read and will use the Freedman book as a supplement/resource)

Shakespeare- We will be reading The Comedy of Errors, Twelfth Night and As You Like It.
Natural History (Science)- I have been listening to A Delectable Education podcast over the summer and am going to be following their suggestions for the sciences. It has caused much weeping and headaches on my part but I think I am finally content and at peace with what I have decided. Anyways, instead of doing one Nature Lore and then a science book, I am having L read two Nature Lore books all year long. If you are really curious which books I picked out, email me... otherwise just go here to pick from Nicole's fabulous list. :) We are also adding in Special Studies books (changing from term to term and to be read in free time).
Bible Memory- Memorizing Scripture was so good last year! For this next year, I have picked 1 John chapter 3, Psalm 8 and the Nicene Creed, and lastly, 1 Peter chapter 1. I know the Nicene Creed isn't Bible but Psalm 8 is short and I wanted to fit a creed in. :)
Literature- Ambleside Year 3
Grammar- We'll be using Spelling Wisdom & Using Language Wisely from Simply Charlotte Mason.
Poetry- Ambleside Year 3
Foreign Language- Spanish! Using as many free resources as I can find.
Nature Journal- We are implementing more dry brush drawing and a more scientific approach to Nature Journaling this year. To inspire us, we are going to buy these for each of us:
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Winsor Newton Sketchers Pocket Box Set |
Picture Study- I've also chosen different artists for us to study this year, based on our time periods but also I tried to pick artists from the portfolio choices that Simply Charlotte Mason has provided. I chose Leonardo da Vinci, John Constable and Edgar Degas (he was not one of the portfolio options but oh well).
Hymn Singing- I have a list of hymns (different than AO) that I want the girls to learn and put them on a schedule, so the next 8 hymns we'll learn are: A Mighty Fortress is our God, What a Friend We Have in Jesus, O God our Help in Ages Past, Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence, Great is Thy Faithfulness, Praise Him, Praise Him, O Sacred Head Now Wounded, and O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing.
Folksong- We have an American Folksong book that we are working our way through and we will just continue with that instead of the AO rotation.
Hope I'm not forgetting anything but I think that's it! Year 5 plans will be posted soon!